Bente Børud
Senior researcher

PhD in molecular biology from University of Bergen (2002).Scientific responsible for whole genome sequencing atDepartment of Bacteriology.Research projects are studying protein glycosylation andglycan diversity inNeisseria meningitidis andNeisseria gonorrhoeae, includingimmunogenicitystudies to explore theseglycans as vaccine antigens.
Projects and publications
- Bente Børud, Michael Koomey, (2024). Sweet complexity: O-linked protein glycosylation in pathogenic Neisseria. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology s. 1-13. doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2024.1407863
- Sara Viksmoen Watle, Bente Børud, Ida Laake, Marta Natalia Baranowska-Hustad, Diane Lynn Bryant-Bratlie, Terese Bekkevold, Dominique A. Caugant, Gro Tunheim, Lisbeth Meyer Næss, (2023). Antibodies against Neisseria meningitidis serogroups A, C, W and Y in serum and saliva of Norwegian adolescents. Vaccine s. 6529-6537. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2023.08.052
- Lisbeth Meyer Næss, Ingunn S. Maugesten, Dominique Andree Yvette Caugant, Afework Kassu, Abraham Aseffa, Bente Børud, (2023). Genetic, Functional, and Immunogenic Analyses of the O-Linked Protein Glycosylation System in Neisseria meningitidis Serogroup A ST-7 Isolates. Journal of Bacteriology doi: 10.1128/jb.00458-22
- Nelson Wang, Jan Haug Anonsen, Chris Hadjineophytou, William Brynildsen Reinar, Bente Børud, Åshild Vik, John Michael Koomey, (2020). Allelic polymorphisms in a glycosyltransferase gene shape glycan repertoire in the O-linked protein glycosylation system of Neisseria. Glycobiology doi: 10.1093/glycob/cwaa073
- Bente Børud, Guro Kristine Bårnes, Ola Brønstad Brynildsrud, Elisabeth Fritzsønn, Dominique A Caugant, (2018). Genotypic and phenotypic characterization of the O-linked protein glycosylation system reveals high glycan diversity in paired meningococcal carriage isolates. Journal of Bacteriology doi: 10.1128/JB.00794-17
- Guro Kristine Bårnes, Ola Brønstad Brynildsrud, Bente Børud, Bereket Workalemahu, Paul Arne Kristiansen, Demissew Balcha Beyene, Abraham Aseffa, Dominique A Caugant, (2017). Whole genome sequencing reveals within-host genetic changes in paired meningococcal carriage isolates from Ethiopia. BMC Genomics doi: 10.1186/s12864-017-3806-3
- Jan Haug Anonsen, Bente Børud, Åshild Vik, Raimonda Viburiene, Michael Koomey, (2017). Structural and genetic analyses of glycan O-acetylation in a bacterial protein glycosylation system: evidence for differential effects on glycan chain length. Glycobiology s. 888-899. doi: 10.1093/glycob/cwx032
- Jan Haug Anonsen, Åshild Vik, Bente Børud, Raimonda Viburiene, Finn Erik Aas, Shani Wilhelmina Aarek Kidd, Marina Aspholm, Michael Koomey, (2016). Characterization of a unique tetrasaccharide and distinct glycoproteome in the O-linked protein glycosylation system of Neisseria elongata subsp. glycolytica. Journal of Bacteriology s. 256-267. doi: 10.1128/JB.00620-15
- Bente Børud, Jan Haug Anonsen, Raimonda Viburiene, Ellen Hanne Cohen, Anne Berit C. Samuelsen, Michael Koomey, (2014). Extended glycan diversity in a bacterial protein glycosylation system linked to allelic polymorphisms and minimal genetic alterations in a glycosyltransferase gene. Molecular Microbiology s. 688-699. doi: 10.1111/mmi.12789
- Raimonda Viburiene, Åshild Vik, Bente Børud, Michael Koomey, (2013). Allelic Variation in a Simple Sequence Repeat Element of Neisserial pglB2 and Its Consequences for Protein Expression and Protein Glycosylation. Journal of Bacteriology s. 3476-3485. doi: 10.1128/JB.00276-13
- Åshild Vik, Marina Aspholm, Jan Haug Anonsen, Bente Børud, Norbert Roos, Michael Koomey, (2012). Insights into type IV pilus biogenesis and dynamics from genetic analysis of a C-terminally tagged pilin: a role for O-linked glycosylation. Molecular Microbiology s. 1166-1178. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2958.2012.08166.x
- Camilla Johannessen, Michael Koomey, Bente Børud, (2012). Hypomorphic glycosyltransferase alleles and recoding at contingency Loci influence glycan microheterogeneity in the protein glycosylation system of Neisseria species. Journal of Bacteriology s. 5034-5043. doi: 10.1128/JB.00950-12
- Jan Haug Anonsen, Wolfgang Mathias Jacobsen, Finn Erik Aas, Bente Børud, Michael Koomey, Åshild Vik, (2012). Novel protein substrates of the phospho-form modification system in neisseria gonorrhoeae and their connection to O-linked protein glycosylation. Infection and Immunity s. 22-30. doi: 10.1128/IAI.05920-11
- Meredith D Hartley, MJ Morrison, Finn Erik Aas, Bente Børud, Michael Koomey, Barbara Imperiali, (2011). Biochemical Characterization of the O-Linked Glycosylation Pathway in Neisseria gonorrhoeae Responsible for Biosynthesis of Protein Glycans Containing N,N '-Diacetylbacillosamine. Biochemistry s. 4936-4948. doi: 10.1021/bi2003372
- Bente Børud, Raimonda Viburiene, Meredith D Hartley, Berit Smestad Paulsen, Wolfgang Mathias Jacobsen, Barbara Imperiali, Michael Koomey, (2011). Genetic and molecular analyses reveal an evolutionary trajectory for glycan synthesis in a bacterial protein glycosylation system. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) s. 9643-9648. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1103321108
- Bente Børud, Finn Erik Aas, Åshild Vik, Hanne Cecilie Winther-Larsen, Wolfgang Mathias Jacobsen, Michael Koomey, (2010). Genetic, Structural, and Antigenic Analyses of Glycan Diversity in the O-Linked Protein Glycosylation Systems of Human Neisseria Species. Journal of Bacteriology s. 2816-2829. doi: 10.1128/JB.00101-10
- Tuyen Hoang, Ingvild Sveinsgjerd Fenne, Carol Ann Cook, Bente Børud, Marit Bakke, Ernst Asbjørn Lien, Gunnar Mellgren, (2004). cAMP-dependent protein kinase regulates ubiquitin-proteasome-mediated degradation and subcellular localization of the nuclear receptor coactivator GRIP1. Journal of Biological Chemistry s. 49120-49130.
- Gunnar Mellgren, Bente Børud, Tuyen Thi Van Hoang, Olav Erich Yri, Cathrine Fladeby, Ernst Asbjørn Lien, Johan Lund, (2003). Characterization of receptor-interacting protein RIP140 in the regulation of SF-1 responsive target genes. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology s. 91-103.
- Bente Børud, Gunnar Mellgren, Johan Lund, Marit Bakke, (2003). Cloning and Characterization of a Novel Zinc Finger Protein that Modulates the Transcriptional Activity of Nuclear Receptors. Molecular Endocrinology s. 2303-2319.
- Bente Børud, Tuyen Thi Van Hoang, Marit Bakke, Anne Lilybert J Jacob, Johan Lund, Gunnar Mellgren, (2002). The Nuclear Receptor Coactivators p300/CBP/Cointegrator-Associated Protein (p/CIP) and Transcription Intermediary Factor 2 (TIF2) Differentially Regulate PKA-Stimulated Transcriptional Activity of Steroidogenic Factor 1. Molecular Endocrinology s. 757-773.
- Johan Lund, Bente Børud, Gunnar Mellgren, Reidun Æsøy, Tuyen Thi Van Hoang, Anne Lilybert J Jacob, Marit Bakke, (2002). Differential regulation of SF-1-cofactor interactions. Endocrine Research s. 505-513.
- Johan Lund, Bente Børud, Gunnar Mellgren, Reidun Æsøy, Tuyen Thi Van Hoang, Anne L. Jacob, Marit Bakke, (2002). Differential regulation of SF-1-cofactor interactions. Endocrine Research doi: 10.1081/erc-120016830
- Bente Børud, (2002). Transcriptional regulation by Steroidogenic Factor-1 and Interacting Coregulators.
- Raimonda Viburiene, Bente Børud, Jan Haug Anonsen, Åshild Vik, Michael Koomey, (2014). Status and strategies for vaccine prevention of gonorrhoea.
- Raimonda Viburiene, Bente Børud, Åshild Vik, Jan Haug Anonsen, Michael Koomey, (2014). Genetic, structural, and phylogenetic studies of the general O-linked protein glycosylation system in Neisseria.
- Raimonda Viburiene, Bente Børud, Åshild Vik, Jan Haug Anonsen, Michael Koomey, (2014). Genetic, structural, and phylogenetic studies of the general O-linked protein glycosylation system in Neisseria.
- Raimonda Viburiene, Jan Haug Anonsen, Åshild Vik, Michael Koomey, Bente Børud, (2014). Identification and functional characterization of a split ORF variants of the bifunctional PglB and PglB2 glycosylation proteins in Neisseria.
- Jan Haug Anonsen, Bente Børud, Michael Koomey, (2013). Mass spectrometry based investigation of post-translational modification systems in Neisseria.
- Jan Haug Anonsen, Åshild Vik, Bente Børud, Finn Erik Aas, Raimonda Viburiene, Anders Moen, Michael Koomey, (2013). Mass spectrometry based investigation of post-translational modification systems in Neisseria.
- Jan Haug Anonsen, Bente Børud, Michael Koomey, (2013). Mass spectrometry based investigation of post-translational modification systems in Neisseria.
- Bente Børud, Raimonda Viburiene, Camilla Johannessen, Michael Koomey, (2012). Intrinsic genetic interactions and their role in the evolution ofglycan repertoire and microheterogeneity.
- Bente Børud, Raimonda Viburiene, Meredith D Hartley, Berit Smestad Paulsen, Wolfgang Egge-Jacobsen, Barbara Imperiali, Michael Koomey, (2011). Genetic and molecular analyses reveal an evolutionary trajectory for glycan synthesis in a bacterial protein glycosylation system.
- Bente Børud, Raimonda Viburiene, Finn Erik Aas, Åshild Vik, Meredith D Hartley, Wolfgang Egge-Jacobsen, Barbara Imperiali, Michael Koomey, (2011). Neisseria species as a model system for bacterial O-linked protein glycosylation.
- Michael Koomey, Raimonda Viburiene, Finn Erik Aas, Åshild Vik, Jan Haug Anonsen, Wolfgang Egge-Jacobsen, Bente Børud, (2011). Bacterial O-linked protein glycosylation: the perspective from within the genus Neisseria.
- Bente Børud, Finn Erik Aas, Åshild Vik, Wolfgang Egge-Jacobsen, Michael Koomey, (2009). Glycomic and genetic strategies define glycoprotein carbohydrate diversity in Neisseria gonorrhoeae and related species.
- Gunnar Mellgren, Bente Børud, Reidun Æsøy, Tuyen Thi Van Hoang, Marit Bakke, Ernst Asbjørn Lien, Johan Lund, (2002). Steroidogenesis - Role of Steroidogenic factor-1 and interacting nuclear receptor coregulators.
- Bente Børud, Gunnar Mellgren, Johan Lund, Marit Bakke, (2002). Cloning and characterization of a novel zinc-finger protein that represses the activity of Steroidognic Factor-1.
- Bente Børud, Tuyen Thi Van Hoang, Marit Bakke, Anne Lilybert J Jacob, Johan Lund, Gunnar Mellgren, (2002). Differential regulation of SF-1 dependent transcriptional activity by p160-coactivators.
- Bente Børud, Gunnar Mellgren, Anne Lilybert J Jacob, Marit Bakke, Johan Lund, (2001). The nuclear receptor coactivators p/CIP and TIF2 that differentially regulate the PKA dependent transcriptional activity of Steroidogenic Factor-1.
- Bente Børud, Johan Lund, Marit Bakke, (2001). Cloning and characterization of a novel SF-1 interacting protein.
- Gunnar Mellgren, Bente Børud, Olav Erik Yri, Cathrine Fladeby, Ernst Asbjørn Lien, Johan Lund, (2001). Receptor Interacting Protein RIP140 inhibits transcriptional activity of Steroidogenic factor-1.
- Gunnar Mellgren, Bente Børud, Olav Erik Yri, Cathrine Fladeby, Ernst Asbjørn Lien, Johan Lund, (2001). Receptor Interacting Protein RIP140 inhibits transcriptional activity of Steroidogenic factor1.
- Bente Børud, Anne Lilybert J Jacob, Johan Lund, Gunnar Mellgren, (2000). Steroidogenic factor-1 interacts with the coactivators p/CIP and TIF2 through different amino acids of the activation function-2 domain.
- Bente Børud, Gunnar Mellgren, Johan Lund, (2000). Steroidogenic factor-1 interacts with the coactivator p/CIP (2000).