Ingeborg Margrete Rossow
Reserch professor
Projects and publications
- Louise Pigeaud, Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, Karin Monshouwer, Nico van der Lely, (2025). Drinking Motives Among 15–16-Year-Old School-Going Students in 16 European Countries. Journal of Adolescent Health doi: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2024.12.009
- June Yue Yan Leung, Sally Casswell, Steve Randerson, Lathika Athauda, Arvind Banavaram, Sarah Callinan, Orfhlaith Campbell, Surasak Chaiyasong, Song Dearak, Emeka W Dumbili, Laura Romero-García, Gopalkrishna Gururaj, Romtawan Kalapat, Khem Karki, Thomas Karlsson, Mom Kong, Shiwei Liu, Norman Danilo Maldonado Vargas, Juan Felipe Gonzalez-Mejía, Timothy Naimi, Keitseope Nthomang, Opeyemi Oladunni, Kwame Owino, Juan Camilo Herrera Palacio, Phasith Phatchana, Pranil Man Singh Pradhan, Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, Gillian Shorter, Vanlounny Sibounheuang, Mindaugas Štelem -Kas, Dao The Son, Kate Vallance, Wim Van Dalen, Ashley Wettlaufer, Arianne Zamora, Jintana Jankhotkaew, (2024). Assessing alcohol industry penetration and government safeguards: The International Alcohol Control Study. BMJ Global Health doi: 10.1136/bmjgh-2024-016093
- Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, Viktorija Kesaite, Ståle Pallesen, Heather Wardle, (2024). The total consumption model applied to gambling: an analysis of gambling accounts records in Norway. Addiction Research and Theory doi: 10.1080/16066359.2024.2430486
- Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, Elin Kristin Bye, (2024). The alcohol harm paradox: is it valid for self-reported alcohol harms and does hazardous drinking pattern matter?. BMC Public Health doi: 10.1186/s12889-024-20530-9
- Daniel Bergsvik, Maja Weemes Grøtting, Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, (2024). Effect of a small increase in off-premises trading hours on alcohol sales in Norway: A stepped-wedge cluster-randomized controlled trial. Addiction s. 86-94. doi: 10.1111/add.16683
- Ludwig Kraus, Andreas M. Bickl, Matilda Hellman, Veera E. Kankainen, Johanna K. Loy, Marieke Neyer, Thomas Norman, Sara Rolando, Robin Room, Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, Rachel Volberg, Jenny Cisneros Örnberg, (2024). Voluntary self-exclusion from gambling: Expert opinions on gaps and needs for improvement. Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs (NAD) s. 491-508. doi: 10.1177/14550725241264628
- Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, (2024). Alkoholparadokset. s. 1-17. doi: 10.21340/1g1c-2m02
- Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, Viktorija Kesaite, Ståle Pallesen, Heather Wardle, (2024). Concentration of gambling spending by product type: analysis of gambling accounts records in Norway. Addiction Research and Theory doi: 10.1080/16066359.2024.2340456
- Anita Johanna Tørmoen, Martin Øverlien Myhre, Anine Therese Kildahl, Fredrik A Walby, Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, (2023). A nationwide study on time spent on social media and self-harm among adolescents. Scientific Reports doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-46370-y
- Jørgen Gustav Bramness, Ina Heidi Heiberg, Anne Høye, Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, (2023). Mortality and alcohol-related morbidity in patients with delirium tremens, alcohol withdrawal state or alcohol dependence in Norway: A register-based prospective cohort study. Addiction s. 2352-2359. doi: 10.1111/add.16297
- Viktorija Kesaite, Heather Wardle, Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, (2023). Gambling consumption and harm: a systematic review of the evidence. Addiction Research and Theory doi: 10.1080/16066359.2023.2238608
- Lisa-Christine Girard, Mark D. Griffiths, Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, Tony Mathias Leino, Anna E. Goudriaan, Otto Robert Frans Smith, Ståle Pallesen, (2023). Temporal order of diagnosis between gambling disorder and substance use disorders: Longitudinal results from the Norwegian Patient Registry. Addictive Behaviors Reports s. 1-5. doi: 10.1016/j.abrep.2023.100501
- Kirsimarja Raitasalo, Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, Inger Synnøve Moan, Elin Kristin Bye, Johan Svensson, Siri Thor, Ola Ekholm, Veronica Pisinger, Ársæll Arnarsson, Kim Bloomfield, (2023). Changes in co-use of alcohol and cannabis among Nordic adolescents in the 21st century: Results from the European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs study. Drug and Alcohol Review s. 616-624. doi: 10.1111/dar.13672
- Ludwig Kraus, Johanna K. Loy, Andreas M. Bickl, Larissa Schwarzkopf, Rachel A. Volberg, Sara Rolando, Veera E. Kankainen, Matilda Hellman, Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, Robin Room, Thomas Norman, Jenny Cisneros Örnberg, (2022). Self-exclusion from gambling: A toothless tiger?. Frontiers in Psychiatry doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.992309
- Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, Elin Kristin Bye, Inger Synnøve Moan, (2022). The Declining Trend in Adolescent Drinking: Do Volume and Drinking Pattern Go Hand in Hand?. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH) doi: 10.3390/ijerph19137965
- Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, Inger Synnøve Moan, Elin Kristin Bye, (2022). Declining Trend in Adolescent Alcohol Use: Does It Have Any Significance for Drinking Behaviour in Young Adulthood?. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH) doi: 10.3390/ijerph19137887
- Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, Maja Weemes Grøtting, (2022). Advarselsmerking – et nytt virkemiddel i norsk alkoholpolitikk?. doi: 10.21340/mz1n-5f55
- Ellen Johanna Amundsen, Anne Line Bretteville-Jensen, Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, (2022). Patients admitted to treatment for substance use disorder in Norway: a population-based case–control study of socio-demographic correlates and comparative analyses across substance use disorders. BMC Public Health s. 1-12. doi: 10.1186/s12889-022-13199-5
- Elin Kristin Bye, Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, (2021). Heavy drinkers and the contexts of drinking among adults in Norway. Drug and Alcohol Dependence doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2021.109127
- Jørgen Gustav Bramness, Kristine Olsen, Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, (2021). Salg av vanedannende legemidler fra grossist i Norge under koronapandemien. Norsk Farmaceutisk Tidsskrift (NFT) s. 35-38.
- Hilde Elisabeth Pape, Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, Anne Bukten, (2021). Are short AUDIT screeners effective in identifying unhealthy drinking of varying severity? A prison population study. Drug and Alcohol Dependence s. 1-7. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2021.109153
- Maja Weemes Grøtting, Daniel Bergsvik, Ingeborg Rossow, (2021). Effect of extended trading hours on alcohol sales in Norway: study protocol for a stepped wedge cluster-randomized trial. Addiction s. 1-7. doi: 10.1111/add.15704
- Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, Miroslav Barták, Kim Bloomfield, Fleur Braddick, Elin Kristin Bye, Carolin Kilian, Hugo Lopez-Pelayo, Pia Mäkelä, Inger Synnøve Moan, Jacek Moskalewicz, Benjamin Petruzelka, Vladimir Rogalewicz, Jakob Manthey, (2021). Changes in Alcohol Consumption during the COVID-19 Pandemic Are Dependent on Initial Consumption Level: Findings from Eight European Countries. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH) doi: 10.3390/ijerph181910547
- Pia Mäkelä, Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, Inger Synnøve Moan, Elin Kristin Bye, Carolin Kilian, Raitasalo Kirsimarja, Peter Allebeck, (2021). Measuring changes in alcohol use in Finland and Norway during the COVID-19 pandemic: Comparison between data sources. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research doi: 10.1002/mpr.1892
- Carolin Kilian, Jürgen Rehm, Peter Allebeck, Miroslav Barták, Fleur Braddick, Antoni Gual, Silvia Matrai, Benjamin Petruželka, Vladimir Rogalewicz, Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, Bernd Schulte, Mindaugas Štelemėkas, Jakob Manthey, (2021). Conducting a multi-country online alcohol survey in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic: Opportunities and challenges. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research doi: 10.1002/mpr.1875
- Jakob Manthey, Carolin Kilian, Sinclair Carr, Miroslav Bartak, Kim Bloomfield, Fleur Braddick, Antoni Gual, Maria Neufeld, Amy O´Donnell, Benjamin Petruzelka, Vladimir Rogalewicz, Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, Bernd Schulte, Jürgen Rehm, (2021). Use of alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, and other substances during the first wave of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in Europe: a survey on 36,000 European substance users. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy doi: 10.1186/s13011-021-00373-y
- Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, (2021). The alcohol advertising ban in Norway: Effects on recorded alcohol sales. Drug and Alcohol Review s. 1392-1395. doi: 10.1111/dar.13289
- Inger Synnøve Moan, Elin Kristin Bye, Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, (2021). Stronger alcohol-violence association when adolescents drink less? Evidence from three Nordic countries. European Journal of Public Health s. 866-872. doi: 10.1093/eurpub/ckab124
- Elin Kristin Bye, Stig Tore Bogstrand, Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, (2021). The importance of alcohol in elderly’s hospital admissions for fall injuries: a population case-control study. Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs (NAD) s. 1-12. doi: 10.1177/14550725211015836
- Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, Pia Mäkelä, (2021). Public Health Thinking Around Alcohol-Related Harm: Why Does Per Capita Consumption Matter?. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs s. 9-17. doi: 10.15288/jsad.2021.82.9
- Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, Elin K. Bye, Inger Synnøve Moan, Carolin Kilian, Jørgen Gustav Bramness, (2021). Changes in alcohol consumption during the covid-19 pandemic—small change in total consumption, but increase in proportion of heavy drinkers. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH) doi: 10.3390/ijerph18084231
- Jørgen Gustav Bramness, Elin Kristin Bye, Inger Synnøve Moan, Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, (2021). Alcohol Use during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Self-Reported Changes and Motives for Change. European Addiction Research s. 257-262. doi: 10.1159/000515102
- Anita Johanna Tørmoen, Martin Øverlien Myhre, Fredrik Andreas Walby, Berit Grøholt, Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, (2020). Endring i forekomst av villet egenskade hos ungdom. Suicidologi s. 28-31.
- Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, Ellen Johanna Amundsen, Sven Ove Samuelsen, (2020). Socio‐economic differences in all‐cause mortality in people with alcohol use disorder: a prospective cohort study. Addiction s. 53-59. doi: 10.1111/add.15070
- Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, (2020). Illicit drug use and oral health. Addiction s. 1-14. doi: 10.1111/add.15360
- Hilde Elisabeth Pape, Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, Anne Bukten, (2020). Alcohol problems among prisoners: subgroup variations, concurrent drug problems, and treatment needs. European Addiction Research s. 1-10. doi: 10.1159/000511253
- Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, Bente Træen, (2020). Alcohol use among older adults: a comparative study across four European countries. Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs (NAD) s. 526-543. doi: 10.1177/1455072520954335
- Janne Scheffels, Kristin Buvik, Rikke Iren Tokle, Ingeborg Rossow, (2020). Normalisation of non-drinking? 15–16-year-olds' accounts of refraining from alcohol. Drug and Alcohol Review s. 729-736. doi: 10.1111/dar.13084
- Hilde Pape, Ingeborg Rossow, (2020). Less adolescent alcohol and cannabis use: More deviant user groups?. Drug and Alcohol Review s. 118-125. doi: 10.1111/dar.13146
- Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, Hilde Elisabeth Pape, Leila Torgersen, (2020). Decline in adolescent drinking: Some possible explanations. Drug and Alcohol Review s. 721-728. doi: 10.1111/dar.13132
- Anita Johanna Tørmoen, Martin Øverlien Myhre, Fredrik A Walby, Berit Grøholt, Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, (2020). Change in prevalence of self-harm from 2002 to 2018 among Norwegian adolescents. European Journal of Public Health s. 688-692. doi: 10.1093/eurpub/ckaa042
- Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, Jim McCambridge, (2019). The handling of evidence in national and local policy making: a case study of alcohol industry actor strategies regarding data on on-premise trading hours and violence in Norway. BMC Public Health doi: 10.1186/s12889-018-6348-y
- Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, (2018). The total consumption model applied to gambling: Empirical validity and implications for gambling policy . Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs (NAD) s. 66-76. doi: 10.1177/1455072518794016
- Hilde Elisabeth Pape, Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, Geir Scott Brunborg, (2018). Adolescents drink less: How, who and why? A review of the recent research literature. Drug and Alcohol Review s. S98-S114. doi: 10.1111/dar.12695
- Hilde Pape, Ingeborg Rossow, Jasmina Burdzovic Andreas, Thor-Arvid Norstrøm, (2018). Social Class and Alcohol Use by Youth: Different Drinking Behaviors, Different Associations?. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs s. 132-136. doi: 10.15288/jsad.2017.79.132
- Thor-Arvid Norström, Ingeborg Rossow, Hilde Pape, (2018). Social inequality in youth violence: The role of heavy episodic drinking. Drug and Alcohol Review s. 162-169. doi: 10.1111/dar.12582
- Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, Kristin Buvik, (2017). Preventing intoxication and related harm in nightlife settings. doi: 10.2105/9780875532929
- Elin Kristin Bye, Ingeborg Rossow, (2017). Concomitant alcohol and sedative-hypnotic drug use among the elderly in Norway . Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs (NAD) s. 18-27. doi: 10.1177/1455072516683896
- Hilde Pape, Thor-Arvid Norstrøm, Ingeborg Rossow, (2017). Adolescent drinking – a touch of social class?. Addiction s. 792-800. doi: 10.1111/add.13721
- Guilherme Borges, Courtney L. Bagge, Cheryl J. Cherpitel, Kenneth R. Conner, Ricardo Orozco, Ingeborg Rossow, (2017). A meta-analysis of acute use of alcohol and the risk of suicide attempt. Psychological Medicine s. 949-957. doi: 10.1017/S0033291716002841
- Ingeborg Rossow, Mats Ramstedt, (2016). Challenges in estimating population impacts of alcohol's harm to others. Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs (NAD) s. 503-513. doi: 10.1515/nsad-2016-0042
- Thor-Arvid Norstrøm, Ingeborg Rossow, (2016). Alcohol consumption as a risk factor for suicidal behavior: A systematic review of associations at the individual and at the population level. Archives of Suicide Research s. 489-506. doi: 10.1080/13811118.2016.1158678
- Ingeborg Rossow, Patrick Keating, Lambert Felix, Jim McCambridge, (2016). Does parental drinking influence children's drinking? A systematic review of prospective cohort studies. Addiction s. 204-217. doi: 10.1111/add.13097
- Ingeborg Rossow, Marianne Hansen, (2016). Gambling and gambling policy in Norway — an exceptional case. Addiction s. 593-598. doi: 10.1111/add.13172
- Ingeborg Rossow, Lambert Felix, Patric Keating, Jim McCambridge, (2016). Parental drinking and adverse outcomes in children: a scoping review of cohort studies. Drug and Alcohol Review s. 397-405. doi: 10.1111/dar.12319
- Ingeborg Rossow, (2015). How well do survey studies capture alcohol’s harm to others?. Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment s. 99-106. doi: 10.4137/SART.S23503
- Ingeborg Rossow, Trygve Ugland, Bergljot Baklien, (2015). Use of research in local alcohol policy-making. Drugs and alcohol today s. 192-202. doi: 10.1108/DAT-05-2015-0022
- Ingunn Olea Lund, Anne Bukten, Elisabet Storvoll, Inger Synnøve Moan, Svetlana Skurtveit, Marte Handal, Trond Nordfjærn, Geir Scott Brunborg, Ingeborg Rossow, (2015). A cohort study on long-term adverse effects of parental drinking: Background and study design. Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment s. 77-83. doi: 10.4137/SART.S23329
- Hilde Pape, Ingeborg Rossow, Elisabet Storvoll, (2015). Is drinking with parents associated with high-risk drinking among adolescents?. European Addiction Research s. 291-299. doi: 10.1159/000381673
- Ingeborg Rossow, Jørgen Gustav Bramness, (2015). The total sale of prescription drugs with an abuse potential predicts the number of excessive users: a national prescription database study. BMC Public Health doi: 10.1186/s12889-015-1615-7
- Kristin Buvik, Ingeborg Rossow, (2015). Factors associated with over-serving at drinking establishments. Addiction s. 602-609. doi: 10.1111/add.12843
- Ingeborg Rossow, Bergljot Baklien, (2014). Alcohol policy making at the local level: complex processes in multiple contexts. Contemporary Drug Problems s. 507-521. doi: 10.1177/0091450914567122
- Stig Tore Bogstrand, Gudrun Høiseth, Ingeborg Rossow, Per Trygve Normann, Øivind Ekeberg, (2014). Prevalence of ethyl glucuronide and ethyl sulphate among patients injured when driving or at work. Alcohol and Alcoholism s. 68-73. doi: 10.1093/alcalc/agu070
- Geir Scott Brunborg, Elin Kristin Bye, Ingeborg Rossow, (2014). Collectivity of drinking behavior among adolescents: An analysis of the norwegian ESPAD data 1995-2011. Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs (NAD) s. 389-400. doi: 10.2478/nsad-2014-0030
- Anita Johanna Tørmoen, Ingeborg Rossow, Erlend Mork, Lars Mehlum, (2014). Contact with child and adolescent psychiatric services among self-harming and suicidal adolescents in the general population: A cross sectional study. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health (CAPMH) doi: 10.1186/1753-2000-8-13
- Ingeborg Rossow, Pia Mäkelä, William C. Kerr, (2014). The collectivity of changes in alcohol consumption revisited. Addiction s. 1447-1455. doi: 10.1111/add.12520
- Ingeborg Rossow, Thor-Arvid Norstrøm, (2014). Heavy episodic drinking and deliberate self-harm in young people: a longitudinal cohort study. Addiction s. 930-936. doi: 10.1111/add.12527
- Thor-Arvid Norstrøm, Ingeborg Rossow, (2014). Cannabis use and violence: Is there a link?. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health s. 358-363. doi: 10.1177/1403494814525003
- Ingeborg Rossow, Elisabet Storvoll, (2014). Long-term trends in alcohol policy attitudes in Norway. Drug and Alcohol Review s. 220-226. doi: 10.1111/dar.12098
- Elisabet Storvoll, Ingeborg Rossow, Jostein Rise, (2014). Changes in attitudes towards restrictive alcohol policy measures: The mediating role of changes in beliefs. Journal of Substance Use s. 38-43. doi: 10.3109/14659891.2012.728671
- Ingeborg Rossow, Elin Kristin Bye, (2013). The problem of alcohol-related violence: an epidemiological and public health perspective. s. 3-18. doi: 10.1002/9781118411094.ch1
- Anita Johanna Tørmoen, Ingeborg Rossow, Bo Sture Larsson, Lars Mehlum, (2013). Nonsuicidal self-harm and suicide attempts in adolescents: differences in kind or in degree?. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology s. 1447-1455. doi: 10.1007/s00127-012-0646-y
- Stig Tore Bogstrand, Ingeborg Rossow, Per Trygve Normann, Øivind Ekeberg, (2013). Studying psychoactive substance use in injured patients: Does exclusion of late arriving patients bias the results?. Drug and Alcohol Dependence s. 187-192. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2012.06.029
- Jasmina Burdzovic, Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, Hilde Pape, Kristin Buvik, (2018). Konseptualisering av rusmiddelforebygging i et folkehelseperspektiv: Rapport av Folkehelseinstituttet .
- Thomas Babor, Jonathan Caulkins, Benedikt Fischer, David Foxcroft, Keith Humphreys, Maria Elena Medina-Mora, Isidore Obot, Jurgen Rehm, Peter Reuter, Robin Room, Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, John Strang, (2018). Drug Policy and the Public Good.
- Pekka Sulkunen, Thomas F Babor, Jenny Cisneros Örnberg, Michael Egerer, Matilda Hellman, Charles Livingstone, Virve Marionneau, Janne Nikkinen, Jim Orford, Robin Room, Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, (2018). Setting Limits: Gambling, Science and Public Policy.
- Elisabeth Kvaavik, Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, (2018). Alkohol i Norge.
- Daniel Bergsvik, Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, (2016). En vurdering av virkningen av dagens taxfree-ordning. Utredning til Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet.
- Ståle Østhus, Pia Mäkelä, Thor Norström, Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, (2016). Sosial ulikhet i alkoholbruk og alkoholrelatert sykelighet og dødelighet.
- Thomas F. Babor, Sally Casswell, Kathryn Graham, Taisia Huckle, Michael Livingston, Jürgen Rehm, Robin Room, Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, Bundit Sornpaisarn, (2022). Alcohol: No Ordinary Commodity - a summary of the third edition. Addiction s. 3024-3036. doi: 10.1111/add.16003
- Anita Johanna Tørmoen, Martin Øverlien Myhre, Anine Therese Kildahl, Fredrik A Walby, Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, (2022). Time spent on social media: a risk factor for self-harm in adolescence? A nationwide study.
- Anita Johanna Tørmoen, Martin Øverlien Myhre, Fredrik A Walby, Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, Anine Therese Kildahl, (2021). Time spent on social media: a risk factor for self-harm in adolescence? A nationwide cross-sectional study.
- Thomas F. Babor, Sally Casswell, Jürgen Rehm, Robin Room, Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, (2021). A festival of epiphanies: three revelations in support of better alcohol control policies. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs s. 5-8. doi: 10.15288/jsad.2021.82.5
- Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, (2021). The alcohol advertising ban in Norway: A response to Nelson's comments. Drug and Alcohol Review s. 1399-1401.
- Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, Maja Weemes Grøtting, (2021). Evaluation of an alcohol policy measure employing a randomised controlled trial design: Why was it possible? . Drug and Alcohol Review s. 468-471. doi: 10.1111/dar.13230
- Pekka Sulkunen, Thomas F. Babor, Jenny Cisneros Örnberg, Michael Egerer, Matilda Hellman, Charles Livingstone, Virve Marionneau, Janne Nikkinen, Jim Orford, Robin Room, Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, (2021). Setting Limits: Gambling, Science and Public Policy—summary of results. Addiction s. 32-40. doi: 10.1111/add.15241
- Anita Johanna Tørmoen, Martin Øverlien Myhre, Fredrik A Walby, Berit Grøholt, Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, (2019). Trender i selvskading blang ungdom over en femtenårsperiode i Norge.
- Anita Johanna Tørmoen, Martin Øverlien Myhre, Fredrik A Walby, Berit Grøholt, Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, (2019). Change in prevalence of Self-harm from 2002-2018 among Norwegian adolescents.
- Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, (2019). Health care or social welfare in commissioning and purchasing of alcohol and other drug treatment: A comment to Ritter and van de Ven.. Drug and Alcohol Review s. 123-124.
- Thomas F. Babor, Jonathan Caulkins, Benedict Fischer, David Foxcroft, María Elena Medina-Mora, Isidore Obot, Jürgen Rehm, Peter Reuter, Robin Room, Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, John Strang, (2019). Drug Policy and the Public Good: a summary of the second edition. Addiction s. 1941-1950. doi: 10.1111/add.14734
- Kristin Buvik, Ingeborg Margrete Rossow, (2018). Favorable Effects Under Irrelevant Conditions: A Commentary to Woodall et al. (2018). Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs s. 680-681. doi: 10.15288/jsad.2018.79.680
- Emmanuel Kuntsche, Ingeborg Rossow, Rutger Engels, Sandra Kuntsche, (2016). Is 'age at first drink' a useful concept in alcohol research and prevention? We doubt that. Addiction s. 957-965. doi: 10.1111/add.12980
- Emmanuel Kuntsche, Ingeborg Rossow, Rutger Engels, Sandra Kuntsche, (2016). The blind men and the elephant—response to commentaries. Addiction s. 971-972. doi: 10.1111/add.13406
- Ingeborg Rossow, (2015). One continent—multiple predictions and strategies. Addiction s. 1380-1381. doi: 10.1111/add.12988
- Ingeborg Rossow, (2014). Transferable key factors?. Addiction s. 700-701. doi: 10.1111/add.12349
- Ingeborg Rossow, (2014). Trender i konsum og alkoholrelaterte skader. Rus & samfunn s. 30-31.
- Thor-Arvid Norstrøm, Ingeborg Rossow, (2014). On the mismatch between population drinking and drink driving. Response to Gjerde etal. Addiction s. 333-334. doi: 10.1111/add.12414