FHI symposium: From single cells to systems - Decoding immunesystem complexity by Mass Cytometry
The topic of this symposium is high dimentional cell analysis and the variety of applications of mass cytometry. The symposium is a collaboration between the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, AH diagnostics and Standard Biotools.
Event details
- 05.03.2024
- 09:45 - 15:00
- Meeting
- Folkehelseinstituttet, Auditoriet, Lovisenberggata 8, 0456 Oslo
Join us for a day filled with lectures and talks on applications within:
- Infections and vaccination
- Environmental health
- Cancer
and sessions on:
- Methodological advances
- Data analyses
- 10:30: Registration
- 10:45: Welcome, NIPH
- 11:00: Revealing biology with high-dimensional flow cytometry and spatial biology techniques powered by CyTOF (Ernesto Marcos Lopez, Ph.D., Field Applicatoin Scientist, Standard BioTools)
- 11:30: Immunity and vaccine responses unraveled through mass cytometry (Prof. Maria Yazdanbakhsh, Ph.D., Leiden University, The Netherlands)
- 12:15: Lunch
- 13:00: Quantifying cellular metabolism in single-cells and tissues (Felix Hartmann, Ph.D., German Cancer Reserach Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany)
- 13:30: Mass cytometry – a promising tool for advancing environmental health and toxicology (Unni C. Nygaard, Ph.D., Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Norway)
- 14:00: Immune profiling of lymph nodes in breast cancer patients (Inga Hansine Rye, Ph.D., Oslo University Hospital)
- 14:30: Coffee break
- 14:50: Cytometry as a Team Sport: bridging the gap between immunology and technology with AI/ML tools (Yann Abraham, Ph.D., Johnson and Johnson, Belgium)
- 15:20: Human thymic development: Interactive interrogation of the topology of high dimensional single cell datasets (M.D. Tomáš Kalina, Ph.D., Charles University, Czech Republic)
- 15:50: Wrap-up, NIPH
- 16:00: End of day
Sign up
Sign up before February 27th 2024 on ahdiagnostics.no.