Comprehensive approach towards Universal Health Coverage (UHC)
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The aim of the proposal is to make a substantial contribution to the Norwegian efforts of supporting UHC globally and in LMICs.
Universal health Coverage (UHC) is at the core of the sustainable development goals (SDG) and specifically addressed in SDG 3.8 which is to “achieve universal health coverage (UHC), including financial risk protection, access to quality essential health care services, and access to safe, effective, quality, and affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all”. UHC, so understood, is the focus of this programme proposal. The aim of the proposal is to make a substantial contribution to the Norwegian efforts of supporting UHC globally and in LMICs. We will do this together with relevant partners and by combining our national competence, global network and complementary expertise of the partners. The project will have three strategic objectives:
A. Improved evidence base to set priorities at national level in pursuit of UHC.
B. Effective tools and digital solutions assisting countries in achieving UHC.
C. Improved global knowledge to advance current thinking and support progressive realisation of UHC.
In order to deliver on the strategic objectives the project will include four complementary work packages:
1. A new Lancet Commission that will examine synergies between UHC, health security, and health promotion.
2. Scale-up on health technology assessments (HTA) and decision support tools. HTA is increasingly recognised as a key to building sustainable, efficient, and equitable health systems and support progress towards UHC.
3. Systematic reviews for health system strengthening in LMIC. Systematic reviews on health systems strengthening speak directly to key policy choices for UHC and provide the foundation for work on HTA (WP2) and for integrating scientific evidence with real-world data (WP4).
4. Building concerted e-health solutions for quality care, monitoring and benchmarking of UHC in maternal and child health.
The project is expected to contribute to the realisation of UHC by providing new thinking, analysis, tools and implementation support at global, national and service level. We will develop and disseminate systematic reviews, and health technology assessments (HTA) – as well as supporting development of templates and guidelines for production and adaptation of such tools at country level. We will contribute to mechanisms for sharing horizon scanning for new technologies and medicines, and we will support capacity building of public sector in LMICs, including institutions responsible for public health and health care. We will further support the development and use of e-health solutions, guidelines and platforms for promoting quality of care at service level, with a special focus on maternal and child health.
Anne Bergh, Global Health, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Trygve Ottersen, Global Health, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Jahn Frederik Alexander Claude Frøen, Global Health, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Ingvil von Mehren Sæterdal, Global Health, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Claire Glenton, Global Health, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Simon Arnold Lewin, Global Health, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Lieke Fleur Heupink, Global Health, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Vigdis Lauvrak, Global Health, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Eirik Frønæs Vikum, Global Health, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Mahima Venkateswaran, Global Health, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Steve Diaz French, Global Health, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Tara Kelly Dolgner, Global Health, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Elizabeth Fleur Peacocke, Global Health, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Katrine Bjørnebek Frønsdal, Global Health, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Lumbwe Chola, Global Health, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Eia Elena Skjønsberg, Researc Administrative Support, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Fredrik Aaeng Kristiansen, Researc Administrative Support, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Maria Julia Bidonde Torre, Global Health, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Samantha Page, Global Health, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Akuba Kwansima Dolphyne, Global Health, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Prosjekteier/ prosjektansvarlig
Norwegian Institute of Public Health